The last days have seen a flurry of activities so as to get all elements in place for the trace – the audiographic installation: final choices of image files, scanning and printing, editing sound files, making sure that ordered material not yet arrived will do so on time. The photo mounting boards had gone missing at the delivery company and entailed another exercise.

Earlier this week, there were some changes in the availability of space, last minute, but likely to the better in terms of coherence. One piece, however, had to be left out. Only today we were able to move out stuff from the two installation spaces, including an old dish washer(!), funky furniture and also some fresh oil paintings (thanks to my neighbour). So now, finally the space is cleared and mopped, and ready to receive a new exhibit.

Space is also available for those who want to join the trace on Friday either on location or online. Some glitches need to be sorted out with the online conference tech but everything should be up and running by Friday 11:00 EEST. Welcome!

P.S.: On a technical note: in a world of data siphoning and zoombombing, and as a staunch supporter of internet tools that promote transparency and respect privacy, I propose to present the trace using Jitsi. It has the same features as Zoom and runs directly on your web browser. Just click the meeting link. In case you experience (audio/video) problems Mozilla Firefox and Iridium (a privacy respecting version of Google Chrome) will help. For those joining on mobile, there is an app, Jitsi Meet, available both for iOS and Android.