Listen to see.

Tag: Nuts & bolts (page 1 of 1)

Posts regarding tech aspects of a project.


The first week of actual work on preparations for the installation has passed. The name of this blog had to be established for the purposes of the trace event invitation, which was an exercise in itself (more on that in another post). The deadline was of course approaching fast. The invitation was submitted two minutes before the deadline, which is sort of early for me.

Simultaneously with naming the blog, I was confronted with a WordPress version much more advanced than I remember it from a few futile attempts to blog from work assignments in 2010 and 2014. Which layout (“theme”) will work for my purposes?

Finally, the installation draws upon photographs that I have taken during two decades. For that, working software is needed. Working through options – I prefer free and open-source software – I find a digiKam and darktable, both advanced digital asset management applications but with different fortes. My choice of digiKam almost stops short in the wee hours when noting it will not work on my Mac OS. Fortunately, legacy versions are available but the cost is several hours again.

The application installed I let it index my photo library. I had estimated the number of photos, including 35mm slides which was my preferred medium until 2004, to some 4’000 photos. The digiKam app spat out the exact number with blunt coolness: 16’434. In terms of photo selection, there is some work ahead.

IRL and online

The trace event is based on a physical installation to be erected at Lapinlahti historical mental hospital in Helsinki, which presently is a civil society space for culture and mental well-being. The photographic material is selected from my photographs from several former or present crisis and conflict areas over the past 20 years. The related audio material will be researched and produced for this event.

Online is this blog, where texts briefly presenting the context will be interspersed with the audio-enriched photographs. My intention is that the blog as a platform allows for easy and in-depth commentaries, thus enriching the presentation with exchanges between study circle and summer session participants.

As the format of trace events also allow for “localised micro meet-ups” circle participants able to visit Helsinki are welcome to participate in a guided and video-documented tour on Friday, 31 July at 11:00 local time.